Early Adopter News: June 2009


Sure, you're living it, but have you heard what others are saying about our landmark field test? Follow the links below for some high-profile press coverage. You'll find a feature on Mobile Millennium's principal investigator Alexandre Bayen on the new CBS website Smart Planet.

Go to our media page for more links to print and multimedia coverage from around the world.


Thanks to all of you who replied to our recent survey. Your comments will help us understand the best way to adjust the Traffic Pilot software in this critical development stage. We'll announce a Nokia phone winner via email by July 1.


We've heard that Verizon customers have had problems receiving the SMS message containing the link to the application. We've fixed this problem, so you should be able to receive the text message if you sign up now at http://traffic.berkeley.edu.

Here's another way to make sure you receive the software:

  • Re-register, but this time select “email” as the way you'd like to receive the application.
  • Access your email via your smart phone.
  • Click on the application you receive via email attachment.

You should now find the “Traffic Pilot” icon in your Applications folder and be on your way to benefiting from the most up-to-date traffic information available.


Think your company would be interested in participating in Mobile Millennium en masse? We're looking to work with a community of commuters to help us validate the system.

If you have a group of at least 20 to 25 co-workers who are interested and have smart phones with data plans, we'd love to hear from you. Contact Steve Andrews. If your group qualifies, a CCIT team will come to your location to explain the technology, answer questions, and help get you signed up.



Early Adopter News topics are derived from project activity and user feedback. We welcome comments about this newsletter, the Traffic Pilot software, or the Mobile Millennium project. Please continue to send your comments and questions to pilotfeedback@calccit.org. The online forum has been discontinued.