In addition to project funding from Mobile Millennium's core partners, seed research funds have been provided by various sponsors. Sponsors are listed below in order of their respective contributions (in some cases support includes in-kind contributions).
The National Science Foundation has provided seed money under award 0615299 for the development of viability algorithms, and under contract 0845076 for the development of Lagrangian sensing based inverse modeling algorithms. | |
The Volvo Research and Educational Foundations has sponsored the development of algorithms for inverse modeling using flow based models for highway systems, through the Volvo Center of Excellence at the University of California, Berkeley (Volvo Center for Future Urban Transport). | |
The University of California Research Center has provided seed funding for the development of traffic flow models currently used by the Mobile Millennium system. | |
The Finish agency Tekes was the first agency to formally fund the Nokia-Berkeley collaboration for the development of algorithms for highway traffic reconstruction. | |
CITRIS enabled Mobile Millennium to seal a partnership with Tekes and has been supporting the Nokia Distinguished Lectures on Cyber Physical Systems. Its new building Sutardja Dai Hall is now hosting some key members of the Mobile Millennium team. The arterial traffic display was first unveiled in the CITRIS technology museum at the dedication ceremony of Sutardja Dai Hall, where it can currently be viewed. | |
The VTT Technical Research Center of Finland has been supporting the project by sending researchers to participate in the creation of the system. VTT has an ongoing research collaboration with Mobile Millennium. | |
The Ministere de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du Development Durable et de l'Amenagement du Territoire funded collaborations between the Universite Paris Dauphine and UC Berkeley, focused on the development of algorithms for traffic flow modeling using viability theory. | |
The VIMADES is a French company developing software using concepts from viability theory. Technology developed by VIMADES has been used in the development of the numerical software of Mobile Millennium. |